Om os

Lær os at kende

Eksakt Rengøring er stiftet af serviceassistenter, som har været i branchen i over 20 år. Vi vil levere en ny form for rengøring end det, man kender til i dag, hvor vi er ærlige og realistiske over for vores kunder og ikke mindst ansatte.

Sådan startede vi firmaet


Det hele begyndte for mange år siden, da vi arbejdede sammen i en svømmehal. En dag fik vi et tilbud om at tage ansvaret for rengøringen af svømmehallen. Vi så potentialet i denne mulighed og besluttede at gribe chancen. Det var i dette øjeblik, at vores passion for rengøring og målet om at levere den bedste service blev grundlagt. Siden da har vi udviklet os og vokset vores virksomhed, altid med det formål at sikre vores kunders tilfredshed og skabe et rent og indbydende miljø for dem.

Nevzat, medstifter
Hårdt arbejde

Vores virksomhed tog et stort skridt fremad, da vi fik en større boligforening som kunde. Dette betød ikke blot vækst for os, men også at vi skulle ansætte flere medarbejdere for at kunne håndtere den øgede efterspørgsel efter vores tjenester. Denne ændring førte til, at vi gik fra at være direkte involveret i rengøringsprocessen på gulvet til at administrere et rengøringsfirma.

Som ledere af virksomheden fokuserer vi nu på at sikre, at vores team er veluddannet og motiveret, så de kan levere den samme høje standard for rengøring, som vi altid har stræbt efter. Vi er dedikerede til at opretholde kvaliteten af vores arbejde og fortsætte med at udvikle og ekspandere vores virksomhed, så vi kan være stolte af vores resultater og de tjenester, vi tilbyder vores kunder.

Nevzat, medstifter
Hvor er vi i dag

I dag er vi stolte over at være et professionelt rengøringsfirma med et dedikeret team på 30 ansatte. Vores kundebase består af flere større boligforeninger, virksomheder og private kunder, der alle sætter pris på vores høje serviceniveau og kvalitetsarbejde.

I slutningen af 2022 udvidede vi vores virksomhed ved at åbne en ny afdeling i Aarhus. Denne afdeling har også oplevet fremgang, og vi ser frem til at fortsætte vores vækst og udvide vores tjenester yderligere i regionen. Vi er stolte af, hvor vi er i dag, og glæder os til en fremtid med endnu flere muligheder for at gøre en forskel i vores kunders liv.

Nevzat, medstifter

Mød holdet


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.


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A few sentences about the employee. A few sentences about the employee.